Using your abs belt while running errands or doing housework is a no-brainer, but if you really want to burn calories you need to do something that involves more movement: go running or cycling, do martial arts or Pilates – anything you enjoy!
The more you challenge your muscles, the more fat you’re going to break down for energy. Use the belt every day and you’ll see a difference within a month.
This sequence mixes up cardio, weights and biometrics. Each move is very mindful, forcing you to concentrate. Repeat the sequence twice (every other day), aiming to make your workout last 20 minutes at least.
Incline Press-Ups
How it helps
This targets your upper body (shoulders, arms and chest) and core, and builds your strength.
Get into it
With your palms on a chair and your shoulders back and down, get into a high plank. Keep your shoulders, hips and knees in a straight line. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down so that your body stays in a straight line. Hold and push back up.
Slendertone challenge
Do three sets of 20 reps in two minutes.
Jumping Stick Squats
How it helps
This targets your bum, thighs and tummy muscles. It’s great for burning calories and fat.
Get into it
Start in a lunge with your front knee bent at 90-degrees to the floor, and your back knee bent so that it’s almost touching the ground. Keep your body upright and jump, switching your footing mid-air.
Slendertone challenge
See how long you can keep this going for. Anything from 30 seconds onwards is great, and if you reach two minutes that’s seriously impressive.
Sumo Squats
How it helps
This tones and works your inner thighs, buttocks and stomach.
Get into it
Stand with your legs wide, knees soft and feet turned out. Squat down and go as low as you can. Push yourself back up to the starting position.
Slendertone challenge
Do 100 squats without stopping. If you need to rest, do so for two minutes and start again.
V Sit-Ups
How it helps
This engages your tummy muscles and improves posture.
Get into it
Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you, your knees bent and back straight. Have your legs up so that your thighs are at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Keeping your shoulders back and down, gently place your hands on your knees. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Slendertone challenge
Hold for three minutes.
Waist Shaper
How it helps
This improves your body’s alignment and works your upper body and waist.
Get into it
Go into a low squat and place your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Take both feet back to a high plank position. Rotating your body and feet, bring your left arm up so that you’re in a side plank. Rotate back to the original plank position and bring your left knee in to touch your right elbow. Come back to a regular plank and jump into squat. Repeat on the other side.
Slendertone challenge
Do 10 reps on each side. Don’t rush. Try to make sure your first set is as good as your last.